
Bradati napadač u crnom izrešetao posjetitelje pa se ubio: 'Bacio je dimnu bombu i počeo pucati po ljudima

8. studenog 2018. - 14:04

U pucnjavi u noćnom klubu u mjestu Thousand Oaks u Kaliforniji ubijeno je najmanje 13 ljudi, uključujući napadača, a očevici opisuju kaotične scene u klibu nakon pucnjave. Gosti su u bijegu razbijali prozore i iskakali van, a napadač je poginuo također u klubu.

Okolnosti njegove smrti zasad nisu poznate, no neki mediji pišu kako je riječ o samoubojstvu. Među poginulima je i zamjenik šefa policije okruga Ventura.

- Zatekli smo stravičnu scenu, bilo je krvi posvuda, rekao je šef tamošnje policije Geoff Dean.

Zamjenik šefa policije Ron Helus i policajac iz ophodnje prvi su stigli na mjesto pucnjave. Helus je odmah ustrijeljen s nekoliko rafala.

Očevici tvrde da je naoružani napadač bacio dimnu bombu na plesni podij i otvorio vatru u u srijedu kasno navečer.

Policija je stigla u klub Borderline Bar & Grill oko 23.20, javlja lokalni list Ventura County Star. Policajci koji su stigli na mjesto incidenta izjavili su da je ispaljeno oko 30 hitaca. Najmanje četiri vozila hitne pomoći stigli su pred noćni klub. Iako su prva izvješća govorila o 11 ozlijeđenih, kasnije je potvrđeno da je napadač ubio najmanje 12 osoba.

Osumnjičeni napadač je još uvijek bio u klubu kada je stigla policija, a nekoliko sati trajalo je opsadno stanje.

BGUK_1397714 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Mass shooting after an active shooter opened fire inside a Los Angeles suburb bar. A mass shooting at a restaurant in Thousand Oaks, CA took place Wednesday night. Police received calls at around 11.15pm about a shooting where multiple victims were hurt at Borderline Bar & Grill on 99 Rolling Oaks Drive. According to reports officer was down and unresponsive and trial of blood was visible on the street. Several people were loaded on to an ambulance. The bar had an event called Borderline's College Night according to the bar's Instagram page. Police from the scene confirmed that at least 6 people had been shot inside the venue but could not confirm if there had been any deaths or who the shooter was or if the shooter had been captured. But local ABC reporter Jory Rand Tweeted from the scene:

Profimedia, Xposurephotos


Prema opisima očevidaca, riječ je o muškarcu sa Bliskoga istoka u ranim 20-im godinama. Bio je odjeven u crno i ima bradu. Čim je izbila pucnjava, mnogi su gosti kluba potražili pomoć na obližnjoj benzinskoj postaji.

Nekoliko gostiju kluba, većinom učenici i studenti, izjavilo je da je visoki muškarac odjeven u crnu odjeću, djelomično maskiranog lica, prvi hitac ispalio prema zaštitaru na ulazu u klub. Potom je počeo pucati po svima. Ljudi su počeli vrištati i bježati posvuda, a nekolicina ih je barskim stolicama razbijala prozore i bježala van, tako da su deseci ljudi uspjeli pobjeći.

Borderline uživa titulu kluba s najvećim plesnim podijem u gradu, a sinoć je na programu bila studentska noć country glazbe.

Thousand Oaks udaljen je oko 64 kilometara od Los Angelesa.

Jeremy Childs@Jeremy_Childs

Some tearful reunions among those presumably (though unconfirmed) at Borderline or who knew them at Borderline. @vcstar

 · Borderline Bar & Grill


Sky News@SkyNews

"Multiple injuries reported" - Firefighters and first responders are arriving at the scene of a reported mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County.

Follow the latest updates on the story here: 


Ventura County Star@vcstar

: Multiple people were injured when a gunman opened fire tonight at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks. The suspect is not in custody and victims are fleeing throughout the neighborhood. 


- Čula sam hice i pomislila da je neka pucnjava, ali sam onda zaključila da je to nemoguće. Potom sam čula vrisak, zvučali su kao tinejdžeri, nije bilo jasno viču li ili se smiju. Potom sam čula jecaje, a netko je povikao: 'O Bože, samo je ušao unutra i počeo pucati', izjavila je Catherine koja živi u blizini kluba.

- Ubrzo su se čule sirene i novi pucnjevi. Netko je povikao da se svi povuku prema stambenim zgradama. Vikao je da se svi maknu s ceste, da na cesti nije sigurno. Čuli smo helikoptere i sirene, jako sam uplašena, izjavila je Catherine.

BGUK_1397714 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Mass shooting after an active shooter opened fire inside a Los Angeles suburb bar. A mass shooting at a restaurant in Thousand Oaks, CA took place Wednesday night. Police received calls at around 11.15pm about a shooting where multiple victims were hurt at Borderline Bar & Grill on 99 Rolling Oaks Drive. According to reports officer was down and unresponsive and trial of blood was visible on the street. Several people were loaded on to an ambulance. The bar had an event called Borderline's College Night according to the bar's Instagram page. Police from the scene confirmed that at least 6 people had been shot inside the venue but could not confirm if there had been any deaths or who the shooter was or if the shooter had been captured. But local ABC reporter Jory Rand Tweeted from the scene:

Profimedia, Xposurephotos

BGUK_1397714 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Mass shooting after an active shooter opened fire inside a Los Angeles suburb bar. A mass shooting at a restaurant in Thousand Oaks, CA took place Wednesday night. Police received calls at around 11.15pm about a shooting where multiple victims were hurt at Borderline Bar & Grill on 99 Rolling Oaks Drive. According to reports officer was down and unresponsive and trial of blood was visible on the street. Several people were loaded on to an ambulance. The bar had an event called Borderline's College Night according to the bar's Instagram page. Police from the scene confirmed that at least 6 people had been shot inside the venue but could not confirm if there had been any deaths or who the shooter was or if the shooter had been captured. But local ABC reporter Jory Rand Tweeted from the scene:

19. travanj 2024 22:07