
Tjedan dana u vili košta koliko trosobni stan u Zadru!

Piše Slobodna Dalmacija
25. kolovoza 2019. - 22:47

Ne morate biti član neke kraljevske obitelji, ali morate imati podeblji novčanik ukoliko želite ljetovati u vili u kojoj je nedavno vojvotkinja Meghan, supruga britanskog princa Harryja, proslavila 38. rođendan, piše Slobodna Dalmacija.

Harry and Meghan stayed in a “billionaires’ playground” during their Ibiza break.
The couple, with baby Archie, went to the gated Vista Alegre complex, which boasts dozens of sea-facing luxury homes. The totally secluded villas are on a hillside overlooking Porroig bay on the Spanish island’s south-west coast.
Insiders claim Harry and Meghan paid more than Ł25,000 to stay in one of the poshest homes. Their holiday home included private beach access, an infinity pool, waterfront gym, Jacuzzi, a separate professional kitchen and live-in housekeepers.
The royals flew to Ibiza on a private jet before being whisked to the resort by car. Locals said the already-tight security presence was increased while they were in the complex., Image: 465999088, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features

Profimedia, IMP Features

Mladi kraljevski par je s tromjesečnim sinčićem Archiejem proveo tjedan dana u luksuznoj vili na Ibizi, a to zadovoljstvo košta 120.000 eura. U toj su vili odsjedali i legendarni Paul McCartney i DJ David Guetta.

Harry and Meghan stayed in a “billionaires’ playground” during their Ibiza break.
The couple, with baby Archie, went to the gated Vista Alegre complex, which boasts dozens of sea-facing luxury homes. The totally secluded villas are on a hillside overlooking Porroig bay on the Spanish island’s south-west coast.
Insiders claim Harry and Meghan paid more than Ł25,000 to stay in one of the poshest homes. Their holiday home included private beach access, an infinity pool, waterfront gym, Jacuzzi, a separate professional kitchen and live-in housekeepers.
The royals flew to Ibiza on a private jet before being whisked to the resort by car. Locals said the already-tight security presence was increased while they were in the complex., Image: 465999092, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features

Profimedia, IMP Features

Vila Sa Calma na imanju Vista Alegre nedaleko mjesta Es Cubells na jugozapadnoj obali španjolskog otoka, između ostaloga ima 50 metara dugi bazen s pogledom na more, sedam spavaonica, teretanu, jacuzzi, golemu terasu s natkrivenim prostorom za blagovanje, ured...

Harry and Meghan stayed in a “billionaires’ playground” during their Ibiza break.
The couple, with baby Archie, went to the gated Vista Alegre complex, which boasts dozens of sea-facing luxury homes. The totally secluded villas are on a hillside overlooking Porroig bay on the Spanish island’s south-west coast.
Insiders claim Harry and Meghan paid more than Ł25,000 to stay in one of the poshest homes. Their holiday home included private beach access, an infinity pool, waterfront gym, Jacuzzi, a separate professional kitchen and live-in housekeepers.
The royals flew to Ibiza on a private jet before being whisked to the resort by car. Locals said the already-tight security presence was increased while they were in the complex., Image: 465999062, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features

Profimedia, IMP Features

Bogatima i slavnima koji odsjedaju u toj i sličnim vilama, na raspolaganju su kućni menadžer, osoblje za održavanje, konobarica, Range Rover s vozačem i noćna zaštitarska služba. Na zahtjev se mogu dobiti i usluge barmena, kozmetičarki, masera, dadilja, osobnih trenera i instruktora joge, kao i iznajmiti jahtu s posadom.

Harry and Meghan stayed in a “billionaires’ playground” during their Ibiza break.
The couple, with baby Archie, went to the gated Vista Alegre complex, which boasts dozens of sea-facing luxury homes. The totally secluded villas are on a hillside overlooking Porroig bay on the Spanish island’s south-west coast.
Insiders claim Harry and Meghan paid more than Ł25,000 to stay in one of the poshest homes. Their holiday home included private beach access, an infinity pool, waterfront gym, Jacuzzi, a separate professional kitchen and live-in housekeepers.
The royals flew to Ibiza on a private jet before being whisked to the resort by car. Locals said the already-tight security presence was increased while they were in the complex., Image: 465999057, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features

Profimedia, IMP Features


Usprkos brojnom lokalnom osoblju, prema tvrdnjama ljudi povezanih uz luksuznih kompleks, Meghan i Harry su doveli vlastitog kuhara koji se brinuo za njihovu prehranu tijekom boravka na Ibizi, a navodno su angažirali dodatne španjolske zaštitare uz one koji su doletjeli s njima iz Engleske.

Harry and Meghan stayed in a “billionaires’ playground” during their Ibiza break.
The couple, with baby Archie, went to the gated Vista Alegre complex, which boasts dozens of sea-facing luxury homes. The totally secluded villas are on a hillside overlooking Porroig bay on the Spanish island’s south-west coast.
Insiders claim Harry and Meghan paid more than Ł25,000 to stay in one of the poshest homes. Their holiday home included private beach access, an infinity pool, waterfront gym, Jacuzzi, a separate professional kitchen and live-in housekeepers.
The royals flew to Ibiza on a private jet before being whisked to the resort by car. Locals said the already-tight security presence was increased while they were in the complex., Image: 465998738, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features

Profimedia, IMP Features

Meghan i Harry su izazvali žestoke kritike javnosti nakon što se doznalo da su na taj odmor na Ibizi, a nekoliko dana kasnije i na trodnevni boravak u Nici u vili glazbene legende Eltona Johna, putovali privatnim zrakoplovima.

U samo 11 dana četiri puta su letjeli luksuznim privatnim zrakoplovima koji emitiraju sedam puta više ugljičnog dioksida po osobi nego komercijalni letovi, a istovremeno se predstavljaju kao žestoki borci za zaštitu okoliša i spašavanje planeta.

Harry and Meghan stayed in a “billionaires’ playground” during their Ibiza break.
The couple, with baby Archie, went to the gated Vista Alegre complex, which boasts dozens of sea-facing luxury homes. The totally secluded villas are on a hillside overlooking Porroig bay on the Spanish island’s south-west coast.
Insiders claim Harry and Meghan paid more than Ł25,000 to stay in one of the poshest homes. Their holiday home included private beach access, an infinity pool, waterfront gym, Jacuzzi, a separate professional kitchen and live-in housekeepers.
The royals flew to Ibiza on a private jet before being whisked to the resort by car. Locals said the already-tight security presence was increased while they were in the complex., Image: 465998729, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features

26. travanj 2024 16:13